Activists of the planners’ forum meet for a third online meeting
July 17: Activists in the forum for planners and architects (graduates of SFP-ACAP change agents courses) met to discuss their projects. Adila Shalon, who has been chosen to lead the forum on behalf of the ACAP, was introduced to everyone. The participants brought up subjects of concern to the group.
Radi Nijjim, who is today the mayor of the northern Galilee Druze town of Beit Jann described a recent hostile action by the nature reserve authority and anti-riot police, with aerial support from helicopters. They destroyed several buildings and agricultural sheds and ran over two people, which led to a violent flare up with the townspeople, many of whom are unemployed and desperate due to the COVID-19 crisis. Nijjim believes the action came in response to Beit Jann’s application for an expansion plan for the village. The nature reserve authorities attempt to paint the townspeople as criminals, though many of them have served in the IDF, and according to Nijjim, show a deep respect for the natural environment in which the town is situated. The ACAP is assisting Beit Jann in its struggle, and there are ideas to create a friendship forum with the town.
Talia Sasson, former chair of the New Israel Fund, gave a lecture on the subject of equality as the basis for democracy. Her interesting lecture invoked various questions and comments. She concluded by saying that despite the difficulties of the current period, it offered new opportunities for the expression of solidarity.
Following the lecture, members of the forum gave updates on their projects: the place-making project; the declaration against the annexation*, which has till now been signed by 400 planners; the shared spaces project; and a river restoration project near Arab villages. Nava thinks the latter may also be of interest to graduate activists of the SFP’s environmental justice change agents courses. The forum will continue to work on these various projects and the next joint meeting will be in October.
By SFP director Dr. Nava Sonnenschein
There is still time for planners to sign the declaration against the annexation